Sunday April 13, 2008
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Riley Auditorium
Battelle Fine Arts Center
Otterbein College
Westerville, OH
Jonathan has written two books, Learning Outside the Lines and The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal.
"In the summer of 2002, Jonathan bought an old short school bus—the kind that transports students in many school districts to special education classes—and converted it into an RV. For four months, he drove 35,000 miles through 45 states to explore disability culture in America. What surprised him was that this journey led him straight to the myth of normalcy.
Jonathan, like many labeled abnormal, spent his life chasing that myth before his trip. But on the Short Bus, he learned that people with disabilities make up a nation-wide movement that actively resists the constraint of normalcy for all of us."
Two of the people that Jonathan interviewed for his book were Katie and Candee Basford. See a short video on Jonathan's web site under documentary and hear a little of their story.